How many hours can a student work in Australia?

Posted on: Sunday, 10th April, 2022

For many people travelling to Australia is their dream. But a lot of them will need an additional source of money. If you are one of them, you have to know how much you can work in Australia. Here is some information.

Student visas for foreigners
First, you need to have a student visa. It is a very important document. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to get to Australia. So the first thing that you need to do is get a visa. If you have no clue how to do this, just check our website. You can find there needed information about student visas. We can also help you with formalities. So it is very easy to get it if you are fulfilling conditions.

With a student visa, you have legal permission to travel to Australia. This document allows you to study at Australian universities. You can also take part in vocational courses. If you are interested in that kind of education, find vocational courses on our site.

How many hours can a student work in Australia?

The number of hours you are allowed to work with a student visa depends on what kind of studies you choose. Being in school is the main purpose of your visit to Australia. Because of that, a student visa does not allow you to work all the time in every case. You need to study to prove that you came to Australia to do that. This is one of the conditions of having a student visa.

So, with a student visa, you can work for 40 hours fortnightly. As you can see, it is constructed in a way that assures you time for study. It is quite different when there are holidays. During that time, if you have a student visa, you can work any time you want. This is a great opportunity to save money for the rest of the year. You can also get some additional money, such as travelling in Australia. It is a very beautiful country, so it is worth it.

Another situation is when you are taking part in higher education in Australia. There are a couple of courses that allow you to work without limit. They are exceptions, so if you want to get full information about them, just call to Australia Study team. But that is not all! This kind of study allows taking a full-time job, not only you. With a student visa and during higher education, also your partner is allowed to work without limits.

Why is it worth getting a student visa in Australia?

There are other advantages of getting a student visa in Australia. It is not only about studying or working. You will have a great chance to get to know another country. It is very important to have experience in working with international groups. You will also improve your English skills. And don’t worry if you’re not good at it! You can take part in English courses provided by Australia Study.

Another advantage is that you will make some valuable contacts during your visit to Australia. That is a great opportunity to get to know the people that will help you in your future career. You can also help yourself in this point by taking part in vocational courses offered by Australia Study.

What should I know about an Australian student visa?

First, you need to know that there are two types of student visas. One of them is for the student himself, and the other is for the student’s guardian. So the good news is that you can take this adventure even if you are under 18 years old – just take a guardian with you! You just have to remember that a guardian visa does not allow you to work. This visa also costs some money, so it is not just an addition to a student’s visa.

You probably wonder how long you can stay in Australia with a student visa. The shortest time allowed by visa is one month, and the longest is one year. Don’t worry; you are allowed to extend that time. There are also no limits on how many times you can extend your visa. It all depends on what you are doing in Australia.

Just remember that if your visa expires and you are not applying for the new one, you have to leave Australia. Australian law is very restrictive in that kind of case. If there is no legal point for you to stay in that country, you will have to return to your homeland.

As you can see, a student visa in Australia is a very important document. With it, you can not only study but also work. It’s also an important document to your partner. Apart from a job and studies, a student visa gives you a lot of advantages. One of the themes is travelling around Australia, taking part in vocational courses, improving your English skills and experiencing life in an international environment.



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